Annual Exam

The annual health check-up is a preventive health examination that provides information on your overall health status and helps detect problems preventively, minimize the risks of exacerbating pre-existing conditions, and optimize the management of risk factors.
Professionnel de santé effectuant un bilan médical, illustrant les services de bilans de santé complets à la Clinique Médicale 360.

Depending on your medical history, risk profile, or symptoms, our doctors may recommend additional tests. To minimize discomfort and invasive tests, we will first discuss their utility, risks, and benefits with you; the final choice is always yours.

The health check-up generally includes:

  • Measurement of weight and height
  • Vital signs assessment
  • Resting electrocardiogram
  • Verification of vaccination status
  • Laboratory tests
  • Verification of medical and surgical history
  • Review and renewal of prescriptions, as necessary
  • Evaluation of lifestyle habits (physical activity, smoking, alcohol and drug use), including a discussion on lifestyle habits, an assessment of sleep habits and quality, and an evaluation of emotional and mental health as well as psychological well-being
  • Lifestyle assessment, including a discussion on lifestyle habits, an assessment of sleep habits and quality, and an evaluation of emotional and mental health as well as psychological well-being
  • Referral to a specialist as needed

Follow-up on the health check-up

The results of your tests and analyses will be communicated to you as soon as possible. Follow-up with the doctor can be done by phone or in-office, as appropriate. If needed, you may be referred to a specialist to confirm a diagnosis, continue an evaluation, or start specific treatment.

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